The unsolved mystery of the most horrifying skulls in history

Have humans ever lived with any other intelligent species? This is still a mystery when scientists publicly find many “unusual” horror skulls.

1. Paracas high-brow skull

The Paracas skulls were found by archaeologist Julio Tello in 1928 in the Paracas desert peninsula, southern Peru in a crypt buried under sand and rocks.

More than 300 Paracas skulls dating back to about 3,000 years old have been found. However, what causes a lot of controversy is that these skulls are completely different from regular human skulls. Instead of being round, Paracas’ skull was elongated back.


Paracas skull was found on Paracas Island (Peru).

The origin of the Paracas skulls or the Paracas people has always been a mystery that has caused headaches for archaeologists.

Genetic tests show that Paracas, do not share the same genes as humans or other primates, more accurately Paracas are “non-human”.

There is an opinion that the Paracas species is a hybrid born from a ‘mother’ who is from Earth and a ‘father’ who comes from a distant planet.

2. Skull ”’ hybrid ” of aliens and humans

According to German press, this skull was discovered by an American couple in a mine in Mexico in 1930. It was not until 1999 that their relatives brought this skull to the research staff.

At that time, next to this skull there was also a human skeleton. Externally, this skeleton was no different from a normal human skeleton. The skull was named the Starchild Skull.

Skull ”’ hybrid ” aliens and humans.

American scientist Lloyd Pye believes that this skull is evidence of the existence of “hybrid children” of aliens and humans.

Experiments (including X-ray scans and isotope measurements) show that this creature lived about 900 years ago, and was only about 5 years old when it died.

This skull is quite large, 400 cm2 larger than the skull of a normal person, and the bone density is 50% stronger than that of a normal person.

The optic nerve is round and flat. Unlike humans, there is no frontal sinus. DNA testing results can only verify that the mother of this skull is the “original” human. but the father’s DNA could not be determined.

It seems that aliens penetrated Earth very early, conducting many activities, including interbreeding with humans to create new hybrids.

Whether this mating was successful or not, no one has yet confirmed. If successful, they must have adapted and hidden their identities very well.

Recently, the joke on social networks suddenly became popular: “What is the purpose of your coming to Earth?”, it doesn’t seem like much of a joke.

3. Skull of ”’ alien ”’

A man found this skull in the Rhodope Mountains, Bulgaria.

Many people have paid a large amount of money to buy this skull, but its owner does not sell it because the secrets it brings can go beyond what money can buy.

The skull of ”’ alien ”’ Found in Bulgaria.

The owner said that he had previously dreamed of five beings that looked like humanoid robots with yellow costumes showing him where to dig up the skull, along with other instructions.

The skull found is the size of a child’s head but thinner and lighter than human bones, only about 250 grams but has up to six cavities, meaning this skull has more sense organs than normal.

4. 13th Crystal Skull

These are crystal-clear skulls, not products from current reconstructions or molds. All 13 skulls are scattered around the world, passed down at least as far back as the Mayan civilization.

It is said that once these 13 skulls have a chance to gather together, something big will happen to humanity, or they contain some great secret, waiting for the right opportunity or for someone to come to open it. Open this door.

Legend has it that, a long time ago, there were up to 12 alien races living on Earth, but due to certain events, they could not stay here.

Each race saves its knowledge in a skull, and the 13th skull is the key to unlock this secret.

Those who have owned one of the skulls have said they have had strange experiences that cannot be expressed in words. The skulls can talk through thought transmission, heal diseases and contain secret powers. longevity.

Currently, the world still has no solution for the skulls ”’ horror ”’ But one thing is for sure, they do not belong to our civilization, they belong to an origin, an organism or another civilization that humans have never known.

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