Breaking News: Nigeria’s Game-Changing Leap – Leonardo M-346 Fighter Jets Set to Arrive Imminently!

Rome By year’s end, Nigeria’s Air Force will get the first six of the 24 Italian M-346 light fighter-trainer aircraft it ordered.

Nigeria now owns the M-346 in its upgraded, armed M-346FA fighter configuration. The M-346 was first produced by Italy’s Leonardo as a twin-seater jet trainer.

The jets will be used for “close air support, air interdiction, and tactical reconnaissance as well as advanced pilot training,” the Air Force said in a statement.

The 24 aircraft are due to be delivered in four batches of six aircraft, with 25 years of logistic support included in the contract, the statement added.

Leonardo will profit from its maintenance operation on the aircraft in Nigeria to offer maintenance services there to its other clients in the region, the Air Force added.

The M-346FA, which has already reportedly been sold to Turkmenistan, offers seven external hard points and can integrate air-to-air and air-to-surface munitions and targeting pods linked to Helmet Mounted Displays.

Last year, Leonardo struck a deal to mount Nexter’s 20mm 20M621 gun pod on the jet, offering greater range and precision than the 12.7mm gun produced by Belgium’s FN Herstal, which was previously supplied with the aircraft.

Both types would have been available for the Nigerian purchase.

Leonardo has to date sold a total of 126 M-346 trainers and M-346FA aircraft, including the 24-jet sale to Nigeria, with customers for the trainer version including Italy, Israel, Poland, Singapore and Qatar.

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