
Vegas showgirl Britney Spears is no support act as she leaves gym in figure-hugging sports top

She makes sure to stay in the best possible shape with regular visits to the gym.

But when Britney Spears finished a workout on Thursday she displayed a little more than she may have intended.

The active 42-year-old wore a body-hugging pink sports top – which managed to showcase the finer details of her decolletage – for a calorie busting session in Thousand Oaks, California.

A bit more than intended: Britney Spears stepped out from a gym session on Thursday wearing a revealing top in Los Angeles

The apparent wardrobe malfunction was all the more disconcerting as she was wearing a sports bra in addition to the clingy pink top.

Completing her workout attire was a pair of brightly coloured exercise trunks and well worn trainers as she hid her highly recognisable face behind a pair of reflective aviator sunglasses.

Keeping hydrated after her intense workout, she sipped on a bottle of Smartwater.

Toning up Britney leaves gym in figure-hugging sports topLoaded: 0%Progress: 0%0:00PreviousPlaySkipMuteCurrent Time0:00/Duration Time0:48FullscreenNeed Text

No one’s looking at your hair! The 32-year-old made sure to check her ponytail as she left a sweaty gym session

On duty: The star was accompanied by her bodyguard for the workout

Leading the way: The blonde’s hired muscle led her back to their car

Joining her for the outing was her well-muscled bodyguard, who displayed his own impressive physique in a tight T-shirt.

Once the pair got to the car, the hired muscle opened the driver’s side door for the star before jumping into the passenger seat.

The gallant gesture clearly tickled the Oops! I did It Again singer as she laughed with delight as the door was held open for her.

Hydrating: Britney sipped on a Smartwater after the calorie burning session

Matching: Both Britney and her bodyguard sipped on bottled water

Having fun: The former teen idol flashed a smile during her outing

X17 had reported that Britney and her boyfriend David Lucado broke up some time ago, saying: ‘Britney and David split a while ago. Britney’s been focusing on her boys after the break up.’

However, a source has revealed to MailOnline that the pair a very much still together. ‘It’s not true, he’s just away at the moment, and they’re still a couple,’ we’re told.

Mother-of-two Britney was first linked to David in March 2013, two months after her engagement to Jason Trawick ended.

And last year she gushed about how in love she was with him.

Quite the gentleman: The Hit Me Baby singer was clearly pleased when her bodyguard opened her driver’s side door for her

Driving off: Britney got behind the wheel as her hired muscled rode shotgun

She told Entertainment Tonight: ‘I’m in love. I like the fact that [Lucado is] very stubborn and he’s stuck in his ways.”

‘He’s just a simple man. I adore him,. He’s really funny and he’s really passionate. I love the fact that anything he’s involved in he’s passionate about and it’s contagious.’

Along with keeping busy with David, on her time off from performing, the star seems to spend as much time as possible with her two sons, Sean Preston, eight and Jayden James, seven.

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