Ancient treasures from lost Greek city unearthed after it was mysteriously abandoned 1600 years ago

A HOARD of treasure unearthed at an ancient Trojan city in Greece has been revealed by archaeologists and it’s pretty spectacular.

Experts excavating the lost city of Tenea have discovered a range of invaluable artefacts including lamps, coins, jewellery, sculptures and even baths.

The city is mentioned in many mythsCredit: EPA The discovery of Tenea was confirmed last year and since then experts have been working hard to unearth it.

It includes a network of houses spanning 670 metres and tombs full of gold an silver urns.

According to ancient myths, Tenea was built to house prisoners after the Trojan war and then grew to become affluent in Roman times.

The vast amount of precious artefacts found support the affluent claims and adds to the mystery of why the city was suddenly abandoned.

Roman baths have been discovered, giving an insight into how the ancient people socialisedCredit: EPA

After its abandonment in 400AD, Tenea was buried underground until excavations began at the site in 2013.

The place wasn’t confirmed as Tenea for another five years because the archaeologists wanted to be absolutely sure they had enough proof.

Archaeologists at the site have previously said their finds could just be the tip of the iceberg of what could be discovered.

They also have a number of theories on why the city was abandoned.

Lots of statues have been foundCredit: EPA

This oil lamb depicts Trojan hero Aeneas carrying his father during the mythical evacuation of TroyCredit: EPA Archaeologist Konstantinos Lagos told the BBC: “We know the Slavs invaded this area around that time. We believe the people of Tenea abandoned the city and fled to these hills here.”

Around 200 years after the abandonment there is some evidence of people returning to the city but it had lost its wealth so the finds weren’t as elaborate.

The artefact is known as a pyxis and was thought to contain cosmeticsCredit: EPA

This is one of a number of ancient silver coins discovered, it is thought to be Late ArchaicCredit: EPA

Tenea has also been referenced in many Greek myths including the famous Oedipus.

Many people know Oedipus as the tale of the king of Thebes who kills his father so he could marry his mother.

There are even some scholars who claim that Oedipus was supposedly born in Tenea.

This drone picture shows the Roman baths discovered at the Tenea siteCredit: EPA

Archaeologists think these finds are only the tip of the icebergCredit: EPA

Experts from several institutions will continue to excavate at the site, which is now protected.

Before a license was granted to dig at Tenea, smugglers famously dug up two 6th century BC marble statues from the lost city and tried to sell them for €10million (£8.6million) back in 2010.

Excavations are ongoing at the siteCredit: EPA

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