Benefits Britain mapped: Shock figures show 70% of adults are out of work in worst-affected parts of country… so how bad is the situation where you live?

Up to 70 per cent of working-age adults are claiming jobless benefits in parts of England and Wales. Shocking figures laying bare the scale of the crisis Sir Keir Starmer has vowed to tackle, suggest Stockton and Portrack is the capital of worklessness. More than 3,000 of the 4,300 adults aged between 16-64 living in the neighbourhood of Stockton-on-Tees are in receipt of Universal Credit or similar.

Harry and Meghan put on united front in behind-the-scenes 2024 video – as they reveal Archewell received $5m from mystery donor and paid out $1.3m to charitable causes

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have put on a united front in a brand new video set to their friend Chris Martin’s music to promote the work of their Archewell Foundation, which today revealed a $250,000 partnership with Joe Biden’s daughter Ashley. The Duke and Duchess of Sus𝑠e𝑥 have spent recent months focussing on more solo charity and business ventures, rarely appearing together since their joint tour to Colombia over the summer. But despite reports of a ‘professional separation’, they are front and centre of a new behind-the-scenes video of Archewell’s major moments of the past 12 months with Coldplay’s Sky Full of Stars as the soundtrack to the near-two minute film.


玉木雄一郎氏の不倫相手、小泉いずみさんが自殺未遂で緊急搬送されたとの報道が広がる。 小泉さんは、国民民主党の玉木氏との関係が報じられた後、リストカットを行ったとされる。 小泉さんは過去に国民から公認を取り消された高橋まさんの事例を引き合いに出され、物議を醸している。 玉木氏は不倫を認め、党内で倫理委員会が設置されることが決定した。 小泉さんは香川県の観光大使を務めていたが、解職の可能性が浮上している。 小泉さんの事務所は、彼女のプロフィールを削除したと報告。 不倫問題に対する批判が高まる中、玉木氏は議員辞職の意向を示していない。