Tiny Alien Corpse Found In Bolivia After A Strange Green UFO And Creatures Were Spotted By Residents

This story could be mistaken for an April Fool’s joke and safely ignored on this basis, but everything happened a few days ago, at the end of…

Mummy’s Curse Is Real: Egyptologist Rami Romany Was Left Coughing Up Blood After Discovering A Tomb

In the heart of an archaeological expedition like no other, a man’s life took a harrowing turn after a remarkable discovery within an ancient Egyptian tomb, leading to…

Spine-Chilling Letters Sent By Unscathed Notorious Serial Killers

The FBI believes that there are between 25 and 50 active serial killers in the United States at any given moment. The global number of serial killers are undoubtedly…

Shocking Revelation By Alfred Webre: CIA Is Aware That Mars Is Inhabited By Human-Like Civilization

Alfred Webre is the world’s first visionary to coin the term “exopolitics,” concentrating on the existence of societies with interplanetary connections. Interestingly, humanity may already have established diplomacies…

A Mysterious Dome Structure In Antarctica: Is it Evidence Of A Lost Civilization Or Frozen Atlantis?

Back in January 2012, a mysterious dome structure appeared out of nowhere in the icy continent of Antarctica.It is believed by many that this Mysterious Dome Structure…

The Mysterious Encounter With A Violent Alien Who Slaughtered A Flock Of Sheep

This case is considered by many to be one of the most alarming in ufology, however, in the west, it is practically unknown.An ordinary Bolivian shepherdess had…

Kaspar Hauser: The Tale of the Boy Who Appeared Out Of Nowhere

Just as intriguing as anyone who has ever departed without a trace are those enigmatic individuals who appear to come from nowhere. These are the mysterious individuals who seem…

The Mystery Of Flight 502: Trapped In A Time Vortex?

Flight 502 is one of the strangest phenomena ever recorded in Spain; While the plane was flying over the skies of Euskadi, a strange cloud enveloped it, making…

An Artificial Intelligence discovers extraterrestrial signal from deep space

AI (Artificial Intelligence) … Is there something I can not do? In addition to learning to feel human emotions and, in general, to disturb the nightmares and thoughts…

Scientists suggest that the COVID-19 strain first appeared in 2012

According to the thesis of a Chinese doctor presented 8 years ago, miners who at that time cleaned bat excrement presented the same characteristic symptoms of the…