Stainless steel faucets become discolored, yellow, and rusty over time: Do these 6 tips right away to make your stainless steel faucet shiny in an instant

6 effective ways to clean stainless steel faucets at home

When first used, stainless steel faucets are extremely bright and shiny, but after a while they often become yellow, rusty, and unsightly dirty plaque appears. How to clean stainless steel faucets at home simply but effectively? Let’s follow the 6 ways that Bao Minh Company introduces below:

1. Clean stainless steel faucets with lemon and baking soda

These two ingredients commonly found in the kitchen are very familiar to women. Lemon has strong acidic properties and has the ability to disinfect. When combined with the cleaning properties of baking soda, it will create a cleaning mixture that is twice as effective as usual.

Ingredients to prepare:- 3 lemons- 3 tablespoons of baking soda- 1 sponge or clean towel- ⅓ cup of warm water

How to do: First, cut the lemon in half and squeeze out the juice. Then mix the lemon and baking soda mixture into warm water and stir well until dissolved. Use a prepared sponge or towel to soak it in the solution and then start scrubbing the stainless steel faucet until all stains are removed. Finally, you can rinse the faucet with clean water.

Clean stainless steel faucets with a duo of lemon and baking soda

2. Clean stainless steel faucets with vinegar

Vinegar is often used to clean objects in the kitchen because it is a natural detergent, environmentally friendly and extremely economical. However, you must know how to use vinegar properly to be effective. In this article, Bao Minh Company will guide you how to use vinegar to clean stainless steel faucets .

Things to prepare:- 1 cup of vinegar- 1 sponge- ½ cup of warm water

Method of implementation: Dilute vinegar with warm water in a 2:1 ratio. Then use a sponge to soak in the solution you just mixed and clean the stainless steel faucet. When you see all the stains and stains have peeled off, rinse the faucet with clean water and you’re done.

Use vinegar to clean stainless steel faucets effectively

3. Tips for cleaning stainless steel faucets with toothpaste

If your house doesn’t have vinegar, try cleaning the faucet with toothpaste. Because toothpaste is an indispensable item in every family and its cleaning ability is not inferior to vinegar.

Preparation materials:- 1 tube of toothpaste (any brand is fine)- 1 soft bristle brush- 1 clean towel

How to do it: Use toothpaste to apply to the surface to be cleaned and wait 10 to 15 minutes. Then use a brush to scrub the stains, patiently until everything comes out, then use a towel soaked in water to wipe clean because toothpaste has a very high adhesion ability.

Use toothpaste to whiten stainless steel faucets

4. How to clean faucets with Coca cola

Coca Cola is not only a refreshing drink loved by many people, but it also has the ability to clean stainless steel faucets extremely effectively with simple steps.

Ingredients to prepare:- 1 can of coca cola- 1 brush

How to proceed: You just need to pour a little coke onto the faucet and wait for 5 to 10 minutes then use a brush to scrub thoroughly. Then you will be surprised with the results that coca brings.

Coca Cola quickly cleans stainless steel faucets

5. How to clean stainless steel faucets with flour

Yes, you read it right, flour has the ability to easily remove rust and yellow stains on your faucet.

Ingredients to prepare:- 1 cup of flour- 1 brush

How to do: To do this, just pour flour onto the surface you want to clean then wait about 10 minutes. Rinse with water and you will see your stainless steel faucet is shiny again like before. For stubborn stains, you should use a brush to scrub once to get cleaner.

Tips for using flour to clean faucets

6. Clean stainless steel faucets with specialized detergent

If you want an “instant noodle” method, you should immediately use specialized detergents for cleaning stainless steel faucets that are widely sold on the market today.

Materials to prepare:- 1 bottle of specialized detergent- 1 pair of gloves- 1 soft towel

How to proceed: First you need to clean off the dust on the faucet and let it dry. Then spray cleaning solution and use a towel to wipe every corner. Remember to wear gloves when doing this because the cleaning concentration of the solution is very high and can directly affect your skin.

Specialized cleaner for stainless steel

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