Pouring Dishwashing Liquid Into The Toilet This Is The Secret Trick Of The Plumbers

Unclogging a toilet is often seen as an unpleasant task, but ignoring the issue isn’t an option.

Thankfully, there’s a simple, economical solution that doesn’t require professional help. Using dish soap, a common household item, can efficiently clear your toilet without much hassle.

How Dish Soap Unclogs Toilets:

Dish soap’s slippery texture helps lubricate and break down the dirt and debris causing the blockage. Pour about half a cup of dish soap into the toilet bowl and let it sit for 10 minutes. Then pour in 1 liter of hot water and wait another 25 minutes. After this, flush the toilet to allow the soap solution to work through the pipes.

Alternative Solutions for Persistent Clogs:

If the toilet remains clogged after the first attempt, it indicates a severe blockage. Repeat the process several times if needed.

1. Baking Soda and Vinegar:

For a natural and versatile solution, mix half a bag of baking soda with a glass of vinegar in the toilet bowl. Once the reaction subsides, pour in hot water. This method is effective even for stubborn clogs and avoids the need for expensive chemicals or equipment.

2. Using Salt:

To maintain a clean toilet, add about 100g of coarse salt and let it sit for three hours before washing as usual. This leaves your toilet sparkling clean and odor-free.

Other Effective Unclogging Methods:

DIY Drain Snake with a Wire Hanger: For more severe clogs, unravel a wire clothes hanger to create a makeshift drain snake. Insert it into the clogged area to loosen the buildup.

Bleach, Vinegar, or Club Soda: Bleach can quickly break down waste. Pour 2-3 cups into the toilet, wait 10-15 minutes, and flush. White vinegar can also be used: heat 1/2 liter of vinegar with 1 liter of water, pour into the bowl, and let it sit for 20 minutes before flushing. A can of cola, due to its acids, can facilitate cleaning.

Absorbent Paper: Recommended by plumbers, wrap the toilet seat in aluminum foil or plastic wrap, ensuring no air is trapped underneath. Flush to create a vacuum effect that helps move the blockage.

Using these simple yet effective tricks, you can save on plumber’s fees and keep your toilet functioning smoothly.

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