
3000-Year Old Artifact Shows Ancient Astronaut Arrived In A Spaceship On Earth

The most famous 3000-year-old spaceship-looking item indicating the ancient aliens’ existence on Earth is without a doubt the most famous 3000-year-old spaceship-looking relic unearthed in Turkey in 1973. Zecharia Sitchin was the one who found the object.

This cold grey stone likeness is a modern re-imagining of a current rocket powered by scientists and manned by a human in a spacesuit. It might be the final piece of evidence proving ancient astronauts were right about extraterrestrials visiting Earth in the past.

A recent discovery at Van Lake in Tushpa, modern-day Toprakkale, according to Sitchin, uncovered traces of copper that might have come from Mesopotamia or Cyprus. Urartu’s capital in the ninth century BC was Tushpa. The Urartian kingdom was located near Van Lake in the Armenian Highlands. Urartu occurs in Assyrian literature for the first time in written form.

Urartu’s inhabitants, who spoke a Hurrian-like language, adopted Assyrian cuneiform writing for a variety of reasons. The amazing stone relic is estimated to be approximately 3,000 years old, however some scientists believe it might be older. It is kept in Turkey’s Istanbul Archaeology Museum and is not open to the public.

According to Sitchin’s book “The Earth Chronicles Expeditions,” the rock item is a carved scale replica of a spaceship. 24cm in length, 9cm in height, and 8cm in width. At the back of the monster, he mentioned a massive exhaust engine flanked by four smaller exhaust engines. The pilot of the rocket spacecraft had disappeared.

The existence of a pilot’s cabin in the spaceship-like rock sculpture shows that Earth was visited by prehistoric astronauts. The pilot is said to be seated in the capsule with his legs crossed. He’s wearing a skin-tight pressure suit.

The ancients possessed incredible rocketry skills. You’ve probably heard of the old flying machine nuclear war concept. Our forefathers are claimed to have been able to travel through space and know more about the cosmos than we do. In Dhi Qar in 2016, then-Iraqi Transport Minister Kazim Finjan made a surprising remark. He said the Sumerians possessed a spaceport and were able to go beyond the solar system.

The Sibiu document, discovered in 1961, provides detailed descriptions of rocketry’s underpinnings as well as images of a three-stage space rocket. Instructions for making liquid rocket fuel from fuel mixes are also included in the publication. Despite the fact that Conrad Haas is credited with writing the book, many people feel it was based on far older sources.

Scholars have been baffled for decades as to how the gods of Ancient Mesoamerica powered their planes, but fresh archaeological evidence has put some light on the subject. In 2015, a large quantity of liquid mercury was discovered near the foot of Teotihuacan’s Mexican pyramid.

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