Brave Mother Elephant Saves Her Calf From Being E.A.T.E.N As She C.H.A.R.G.E.S At Two Lionesses Trying To K.I.L.L It In Zimbabwe

This is the incredible moment a brave mother elephant c.h.a.r.g.e.d at two lionesses in order to save her baby from being e.a.t.e.n in Zimbabwe. Photographer Kevin Dooley,…

Against All Odds: The Remarkable Adventure Of A Brave Puppy With An Arrow Wound

After a horrifying incident, the rescue team went above and beyond to ensure the survival of a little puppy. This furry friend had an arrow lodged in…

Unbelievable moment a humpback whale EXPLODES and releases a sea of blood – due to gory but fascinating natura

Boaters captured the gruesome scene of a dead whale bobbing in the ocean, letting out ‘one final burp’ before exploding- releasing blood and rotten guts. The ‘National…

Does your favorite travel company promote harmful wildlife activities?

A new report rating 10 companies on their animal welfare policies shows some promote exploitative experiences like elephant rides and cub petting. Some international travel companies promote…

“Anubis Finally Joins a Family Ready to Provide for All He’s Missed Out On.”

Few dogs have been subjected to as many horrors and trials as Anubis. The poor dog was born in Cairo, Egypt. His early life was spent as…

Bears at Disney World? Get used to it, experts say

In two recent events, grizzlies shared the trail with hikers in Canada and a black bear joined the crowds at Magic Kingdom. Growing bear populations are the…

This dog hid her puppies in a trench to protect them

When a guy posted on Facebook about giving up his dog and her nine puppies, a concerned community jumped in to make sure the tiny family received…

“Quicksand сrіѕіѕ: A Heroic Quest to Save an Innocent Dog in dаnɡeг”

In a secluded сoгпeг of the wilderness, where the tranquil beauty of nature often masks its hidden dапɡeгѕ, an extгаoгdіпагу гeѕсᴜe mission unfolded that left everyone on…

A humpback whale swam halfway around the world. His name is Frodo.

A battle-scarred male humpback whale named Frodo has completed the longest- known movement for his species, a new study says. Between 2017 and 2018, the animal swam nearly 7,000…

Apparently, Dracula Parrots Are A Thing And They Might Be The Most Gothic Birds On Earth.

When we think of parrots, we usually imagine them as green, red, or blue-colored birds. However, the types of parrots are a lot more diverse than you…